
What is it?

TransientStepData objects hold information pertaining to transient sorption steps. This is dimensionless data that describes the transition from one equilibrium to another (e.g., concentration, dilation, etc) as a function of time.

How do I make one?


Container for data concerning a single transient sorption step. I.e., a profile of mass concentration with time (starting from a previous equilibrium and generally reaching a new equilibrium) of some penetrant into an even film of polymer material, or more succinctly, a polymer slab.


  • dataset: Should be some iterable with
    • the first item being an iterable of time data (in seconds)
    • the second item being an iterable of dimensionless sorption data (no units)

A number of functions exist to make your life easier with handling this data.

resample(transient::TransientStepData, num_datapoints, time_function)

Resample the data with some time_function spacing and linear interpolation between adjacent data points. Use this method when you have a ridiculous amount of data and need to slim it down while losing as little valuable information as possible.


  • transient::TransientStepData: TransientStepData used to resample
  • num_datapoints::Integer: number of resampled data points to be in the resulting TransientStepData (should always be less than what you currently have)
  • time_function::Symbol: how to weigh the time data...
    • :Linear will have even spacing from t=0 to t=num_datapoints
    • :Root will sample along the root of time (more information about the initial behavior will be kept)
      • It is usually best to use :Root for most scenarios and :Linear for quick scenarios
    • :Log will sample along the log_10 of time (much more info about initial behavior will be kept)
      • Reserve Log for extremely long timescales (think: on the order of months or years, not days or weeks)

This function assumes that time data is sorted in ascending order


Get a Vector of data in the transient step in form of [(time, sorption)...]. Used primarily for bootstrap-like resampling techniques.
