These are utility / unexported functions for those wanting to learn or extend SorptionModels.
Many model methods are implemented that are used for various downstream analyses.
— FunctionGet the number of adjustable parameters in the model. This will not include non-adjustable (but required) arguments that some models may have.
— FunctionCalculate the thermodynamic factor (see ThermodynamicFactorAnalysis) of a component in a polymer for a pure sorption model.
thermodynamic_factor(models::AbstractVector{<:SorptionModel}, pressures::AbstractVector{<:Number}, ρpol_g_cm3::Number, pen_mws::AbstractVector{<:Number}, zs::AbstractVector{<:Number}=ones(length(models))
(EXPERIMENTAL) Calculate the thermodynamic factor (see ThermodynamicFactorAnalysis) of a component in a polymer for a mixed sorption model. This works by providing a vector of pure models, and implicitly uses their mixing rules to get back thermodynamic factors. Indices should represent components.
— Functiondc_dp(model::SorptionModel, p_mpa::Number)
Calculate the derivative of concentration (cc/cc) with respect to pressure (MPa).
— Functiondp_dc(model::SorptionModel, p_mpa::Number)
Calculate the derivative of pressure (MPa) with respect to concentration (cc/cc).