Writer Methods
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::DualModeDesorption, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::DualModeDesorption, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write a Dual Mode Desorption analysis
out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
name` is not provided, default names are created.
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::AbstractIsostericHeatAnalysis, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::AbstractIsostericHeatAnalysis, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write an isosteric heat analysis
out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
nameis not provided, default names are created. See [
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::MobilityFactorAnalysis, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::MobilityFactorAnalysis, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::ThermodynamicFactorAnalysis, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::ThermodynamicFactorAnalysis, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write a ThermoFactorAnalysis or MobilityFactorAnalysis (which contains a thermodynamic factor analysis) out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
name` is not provided, default names are created.
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::MolarVolumeAnalysis, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::MolarVolumeAnalysis, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write a molar volume analysis
out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
name` is not provided, default names are created.
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::PartialImmobilizationModel, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::PartialImmobilizationModel, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write a partial immobilization analysis
out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
name` is not provided, default names are created.
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::VantHoffDualModeAnalysis, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::VantHoffDualModeAnalysis, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write a Vant Hoff Dual Mode analysis
out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
name` is not provided, default names are created.
— Methodwrite_analysis(analysis::ZimmLundbergAnalysis, workbook::XLSX.XLSXFile; [name])
write_analysis(analysis::ZimmLundbergAnalysis, filepath::AbstractString; [name])
Write a Zimm Lundberg analysis
out to a .xlsx workbook
or an .xlsx
filepath. If a worksheet
name` is not provided, default names are created.